
An Introduction to Python Notebooks in Gale Digital Scholar Lab: Expanding Opportunities for Teaching and Research

The new Python Notebook section of Gale Digital Scholar Lab will help students and researchers take their projects in a new direction. Three new Python Notebooks expand on Named Entity Recognition and Sentiment Analysis, and into Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Each Python Notebook can be used with a pre-made Dataset or with the researcher’s own collected text data. Join this webinar to hear from Sarah Ketchley, Senior Digital Humanities Specialist, who will show the Notebook environment and demonstrate how using the Notebooks will increase users’ skill levels, and can be adapted for work at any level.


17:00 - 18:00
  Estudiante de grado     Estudiante de posgrado     Personal docente e investigador  
  Formación de usuarios  
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Es un evento en línea. URL del evento: https://cengage.zoom.us/webinar/register/5317180375293/WN_mTV8KdOAS_2Sd782XiXZJQ?channel=eloqua&elq_mid=64670&elq_nm=JULY2024_GALE_EMEA_WEBINAR_SUMMERSERIES_VF&elq_cid=83044462&utm_medium=email&utm_source=&utm_campaign=&utm_content=#/registration


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Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Biblioteca. 
Edificio Federico de Castro y Bravo
Profesor Aranguren, s/n. 
Ciudad Universitaria 
28040 Madrid

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Correo-e: buc_siadi@ucm.es

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