
Gale Research Showcase: The New Space for Peer-Reviewed Early-Career Research and Projects from Gale Digital Scholar Lab

To encourage early career researchers, the new Gale Research Showcase offers a hub for presenting and publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed digital humanities research outcomes. Faculty and librarians should attend this webinar to explore how using Gale Research Showcase and the new Projects dashboard in Gale Digital Scholar Lab will support students from research question to final publication. Learn how to use the Showcase and built-in Projects area of the Lab as a “how-to-publish” teaching tool, in conjunction with classroom assignments. Review the nuts and bolts for students building a project and submitting work for inclusion in the Showcase. View examples of fascinating projects, to inspire exploration of digital literacy skills. Gale Research Showcase and the Projects workflow supports teaching, learning, and sharing of research outcomes with the world—come see!


16:00 - 17:00
  Estudiante de grado     Estudiante de posgrado     Personal docente e investigador  
  Formación de usuarios  
En línea:
Es un evento en línea. URL del evento: https://cengage.zoom.us/webinar/register/7517170354323/WN_HXYdO1-GQJqOwM2I2Wo7Cw?channel=eloqua&elq_mid=64670&elq_nm=JULY2024_GALE_EMEA_WEBINAR_SUMMERSERIES_VF&elq_cid=83044462&utm_medium=email&utm_source=&utm_campaign=&utm_content=#/registration


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Servicio de Apoyo a la Docencia e Investigación

Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Biblioteca. 
Edificio Federico de Castro y Bravo
Profesor Aranguren, s/n. 
Ciudad Universitaria 
28040 Madrid

Teléfono: (34)91 394 7848
Correo-e: buc_siadi@ucm.es

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